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On-Site Courses

Educational Services -- JMP & Associates, Ltd.

JMP & Associates, Ltd.

JMP & Associates was established to provide technical training on Sun'scomputer workstations and third party personal productivity software.The company also provides consulting services in support of engineering,manufacturing, and process/quality control applications. Instructors atJMP's training center are certified by SMCC and use SMCC-developed coursematerials. JMP also develops customized training for 3rd party software.Please see the Sun Education Services catalogue for a list of coursedescriptions.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

JMP & Associates, Ltd.
1300 Parkwood Cir NW Suite LL-150
Atlanta, GA 30339
Phone: (404) 956-7400
Fax: (404) 956-7280